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What to Do When Considering Testosterone Deficiency


If you’ve been told that you have low testosterone, you might be surprised when I tell you that you are not alone. About seventy percent of men have a low level of testosterone. It’s sort of an embarrassing fact for a lot of men. After all, who wants to have to deal with this type of problem? Fortunately, there is a natural cure for low testosterone.

Low Testosterone is usually treated by testosterone injections, which are available in a variety of ways: Intra-oral testosterone shots, usually every twelve to eighteen weeks; Transdermal testosterone patches, which are applied directly to the skin, especially to the buttock, upper thighs, upper back, and abdominal areas; and Intramuscular collagen injections, usually every two to four months. However, many men choose to treat their condition naturally. In this case, men would take a daily multivitamin containing the vitamins, amino acids, minerals, and herbal supplements that are particularly effective in restoring levels of testosterone in the body. As these vitamins, amino acids, minerals, and herbal supplements work in conjunction with one another, their combination promotes natural hormonal balance, allowing the body to balance out low levels of this hormone.

Besides restoring testosterone levels, natural treatment of Low Testosterone also improves libido and sexual performance and prevents or reduces the development of prostate, cervical, and breast cancer. Low Testosterone also causes symptoms such as weight gain, hair loss, decreased sex drive, decreased bone mass, decreased joint mobility, decreased bone density, decreased hearing abilities, decreased mental alertness, decreased energy levels, decreased joint flexibility, decreased the ability to get out of bed, erectile dysfunction, and erectile problems. As mentioned, the treatment of Low Testosterone can help treat and cure these conditions. Men suffering from Low Testosterone may also choose to take supplements for Low Testosterone to boost their testosterone levels back up to normal levels.

Apart from hormonal imbalance, Low Testosterone may also result from various age-related diseases such as the condition commonly referred to as “aging”. As Low Testosterone is often caused by an increase in the ratio of mature egg cells to those in the seminal fluid, the signs and symptoms of low testosterone may cause problems in the formation and growth of new sperm. In addition to low sperm formation, low testosterone levels in the seminal fluid can also lead to the development of conditions such as infertility, so men with this condition will need to seek medical advice. In severe cases, men with Low Testosterone can experience the inability to produce any sperm at all.

The common symptoms of Low Testosterone include fatigue, decreased sex drive, decreased muscle mass and strength, depression, poor memory, moodiness, and decreased libido. While these are only some of the possible symptoms, in more advanced stages, some people may experience erectile dysfunction, increased body hair, increased hair growth on the face and trunk, loss of body hair and decreased body fat. If these symptoms become more advanced, the condition will need to be treated by a doctor such as preferredmensmedical.com to ensure that it does not lead to other, more severe medical conditions. While treatments can improve the symptoms of Low Testosterone, it is often best to avoid prescription medications when dealing with older men.

One of the more common methods of testing for Low Testosterone is the blood test that measures levels of testosterone in the blood. The most widely used test is the semen analysis, which is able to detect the presence of low levels of testosterone in the blood. The most accurate way to determine Low Testosterone is with the help of a laboratory that can measure levels of both testosterone and estrogen with the use of special test kits. These tests are also able to measure the levels of luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), and the dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate hormone (DHEA). These tests will be able to detect whether or not Low Testosterone is present in the male’s blood stream.

Low testosterone levels are often caused by various factors such as age, disease or illness, injury or surgery. Testosterone deficiency can also be caused by low levels of vitamin D, magnesium and other minerals. Because of these causes, low testosterone level treatment options are varied. Men with this ailment should discuss their options with their doctors to determine which treatment would be best for them. Here are some of the available treatments.

Low Testosterone Treatment for Idiopathic Hypogonadism: In this condition, the testes do not produce sufficient testosterone to attain the normal range of sexual activities in men. Testosterone replacement therapy is used to replace the failing hormone in patients with this disorder. In some cases, intraconular injections (intramuscular) are used to supplement testosterone levels. Patients with this condition should have regular blood tests.

PSA Testosterone Lowering Therapy: The PSA or prostate specific antigen tends to elevate in men with low testosterone levels. The aim of this treatment is to reduce the levels of PSA in the blood, thereby reducing the risk of prostate cancer. This therapy should be considered only for mild elevations in PSA. Patients should be screened for other prostate diseases, such as benign prostatic hyperplasia or bladder cancer. Any decline in PSA after treatment might indicate the presence of a more serious prostate disease.

Blood Testosterone Level Assay: For patients with testosterone deficiencies, particularly in men above 60 years old, measurement of blood testosterone levels is recommended. Generally, the ideal time for testosterone blood test is after completion of a natural testosterone production cycle. Patients may have a normal result if their testes produce at least one sperm cell per day. However, results may become abnormal if the patient fails to produce enough sperm.

Sperm penetration and motility: The ability of the sperm to swim properly and reach the egg is important for conception. If sperm are unable to penetrate the egg and move properly, it may not survive the journey to the fallopian tube. Low levels of testosterone help to improve the sperm’s ability to penetrate. The motility of sperm cells may also be improved if they are capable of swimming fast. If sperm can move quickly, there is a greater chance that conception will take place.

Hair Loss: Aging and decreased testosterone levels can lead to pattern hair loss. Some of the symptoms of male pattern baldness are receding hairlines, thinning eyebrows, and frontal thinning. Usually, these symptoms begin to appear at age 45. Testosterone replacement therapy can help to restore hair growth in many men. However, before starting any transdermal testosterone therapy, it is important to rule out other causes of hair loss.

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